06 Oct 2016
It was a rough, hectic week for me. As I had prior knowledge of HTML and some experience working with UI Frameworks in general, I put ICS314 on the backburners, but I forgot to take it off. That being said,...
22 Sep 2016
Starting off my career as a student in ICS, one thing that was emphasized above everything else was proper indentation and commenting. Back then, I thought it was a trivial thing that everyone did just because it was the norm,...
15 Sep 2016
Over the course of my career as an ICS student, I have had to do several group projects with other students and I absolutely hated it. Even in projects where everyone only had to code their part and send it...
08 Sep 2016
While computer scientists can be very well-versed in a plethora of different coding languages, some of them can be very incompetent when using spoken languages. I have heard from several professors about how they have hired software engineers and code...
01 Sep 2016
For ICS314, we will be using Javascript to create interesting projects throughout the semester, and what better way to start us off than a crash course on Javascript? Overall, it is a very easy language to use but hard to...
28 Aug 2016
I have always had a small interest in software engineering. Way back in high school, I remember I would be playing my games and think, “This game would be so much better if they did this instead of that. One...